Tuesday 2 March 2010

A test video from Finland

Greetings from the land of forests and lakes! So our song will naturally be about the importance of tree planting. We heard two days ago that our Schoolovision song will be practised by all the schools in the city of Joensuu during the spring. That song and many others will be performed in our traditional choir concert on the 4th of June 2010, to invite summer in. Last year there were almost 10 000 kids singing. Cool!


  1. Hannele and Arja from Scotland2 March 2010 at 12:10

    We love it.

  2. Hannele and Arja (Scotland)2 March 2010 at 12:14

    What a lot of snow you have! We love your song.

  3. Terve, Suomi!
    Welcome along to the contest, Enon koulu and their teacher, Mika!

    It's brilliant to see your school and to hear what you will sing in the final part of the contest. We are looking forward to hearing it very much!

    Best wishes from Scotland, and good luck.

  4. Hello Finland
    A nice video.To hear your concert must be an expierence. All the best wishes for the contest from Denmark
